We support your
digital communication.
Financial service providers are risk managers. Many companies therefore have reservations about actively communicating via a medium where small shortcomings can seemingly turn into major “shitstorms” overnight. Unfortunately, not having your own company content and accounts on X, Instagram and the like does not protect you from a bad reputation on social media. On the contrary, in many cases you can only counter critical and unjustified comments with the help of your own platforms. This is where the brand’s customers and fans gather to provide the necessary counterpoint with their positive experiences.
THE BEST ARGUMENT IN FAVOUR OF SOCIAL MEDIA, HOWEVER, ARE THE ADVANTAGES OVER OTHER FORMS OF COMMUNICATION: a high reach at relatively low cost, an intensive, direct dialogue with customers and interested parties, good measurability of the use of resources and the results and, last but not least, the chance to reach the generation that has already largely said goodbye to traditional media. All you need is content. Content that creates added value and is relevant for the target groups, that arouses interest and moves them emotionally. THIS IS HOW SOCIAL MEDIA CAN CONTRIBUTE TO THE COMMUNICATION GOALS MENTIONED BELOW.
Social media Communication
- öffentliches Image gemäß der vereinbarten Positionierung stärken
- erarbeitete Botschaften vermitteln
- Expertenmeinungen senden
- die Besonderheit der Arbeit beim Unternehmen aufzeigen
- Kultur, Werte und Wachstumspotenzial präsentieren
- Anerkennung und ein Gesicht für das Unternehmen schaffen
- Kompetenz und Fachwissen der „strategischen Köpfe“ demonstrieren
NewMark social media
Über unsere Social Media Kanäle informieren wir kontinuierlich über Neuigkeiten aus der Agentur, spannende Projekte und interessante Entwicklungen aus Finanzwirtschaft und Marketing. Aktuelle Themen des Finanzplatzes Frankfurt RheinMain liefern zudem die von NewMark betreuten Kanäle der Finanzplatzinitiative Frankfurt Main Finance.